Happy Eponalia! Every year I try to do something on December 18th to honor Epona. Whether it’s fixing a special meal, leaving offerings on the altar, or going out to the barn to visit with the mares, this day is my major holiday of the year.
To celebrate Her feast day, I had a friend over and we cooked several recipes we found online and in the book Classical Living. We made cucumeres, soft boiled eggs with pine nut sauce, shrimp with scallions, and an incredible apple cake (from the book Classical Living). This was my friend’s first time celebrating Eponalia. We cooked the meal together and talked about deity, horses, and how the relationship with each is similar. After dinner, we went to my altar and lit incense as an offering.
It was wonderful evening. I’ll have to find the apple cake recipe and post it here. It was scrumptious.
Tags: Deity
Love this, love the whole blog in fact!
Hope you are ok and wishing you a very happy equinox!
Thank you so much! I need to post more and at least do an update. It is inspiring to know at least one person reads this. 🙂 Happy Equinox to you as well!